Callia King

Thursday, August 23, 2007

He Loves Me ... He Loves Me Not ...

Of course he loves me, who wouldn't? Look how cute and adorable I am!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

On the way to the Refrigerator ...

Nope, I still can't walk, but I can climb up on the kitchen table just like that, as soon as Mommy and Daddy turn their back.

Harvey Fair

Harvey Community Days were super fun ... I got to watch a parade, meet Auntie's new puppy Layla, and go to a petting zoo!

Baby in Red

Swimming on the Deck

I love swimming! Mommy tried to freeze me at first, but then she warmed it up and it was much better.

Sleepy Girls

Grammy Henry's bed is really comfortable ... the kitty (Poppy) and I had a competition to see who could snore the loudest. I defineitly won! :-)