Callia King

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Wow, I've never seen this much snow! Mommy says she's trading in her Ford for a snowmobile! It's a good thing I got new Barbie winter boots and a hat and gloves for Christmas! Now I just have to learn how to make a snowman ...

Two Years Old!

Happy birthday to me! Presents, cake, and 2 cute boys ... could I possibly be the luckiest two year old ever?

Merry Christmas 2007!

We had a great Christmas ... lots of food, lots of presents and lots of love! I think Santa Claus had a very busy night! We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at Grammy and Grampy Henry's then went to Grammy and Grampy Kings for Christmas evening and boxing day. It was so much fun!